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您当前的位置:首页 » 新闻中心 » 2019武汉国际会议产业博览会-Ⅰ
发布时间:2019-04-13        浏览次数:218        返回列表

时间:2019年7月4-6日 地点:中国•武汉国际博览中心(汉阳)

Date: July 4-6, 2019

Venue: Wuhan International Expo Center, China



Wuhan Branch of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade





Hosted by

Guangdong Grandeur International Exhibition Group

Asian Association of Business and Office Suppliers



Organized by

Wuhan Howee Co., Ltd.


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Partial Media Partners

www.itavcn.com, www.c114.com.cn, IT168, www.enet.com.cn, www.microvoip.com, www.cww.net.cn, ec.ctiforum.com, www.cctime.com, www.voipchina.cn, www.cnii.com.cn, www.ty360.com, Communications World, led-display. cnledw. com, www.gongkong.com, Digital Communication World, Telecommunications Technology, China Network World, Telecommunications Network Technology, Telecom Engineering Technics and Standardization, Workers Daily, nfoAV CHINA, China Computer World, Workers’ Daily, Computer Business Information, Modern Science, www.3gwzzj.zdhsbw.com , www.zhzx.zdhsbw.com, www.91zdh.com, www.zdhsbw.com & Technology of Telecommunications, Communication Weekly, China Information World, www.chinabidding.com, www.mallchina.org, www.caigou2003.com, LivingLab, Home Theater Tech, www.hc360.com, Audio Engineering, International Pro-Audio & Lighting, www.av010.com, bbs.chinaaudio.net, Uniav.com.cn, www.021av.com, ProAV China, www.cav01.com, Audio-visual China, Digital Audio Video, www.itavcn.com, www.aoowoo.cn, www.china-vision.org, China Digital TV, www.81it.com, v.yesky.com, cn.made-in-china.com, www.gongkong.com, www.dianzi.biz, Electronics Supply and Manufacturing-China, Laser Focus World China, www.jjjlll.com, www.china-led.net, www.lightfc.com, www.ledworld.net.cn, www.fpdisplay.com, www.ledhot.cn, www.ledgb.com, www.projector-window.com, www.PjTime.com, International Optoelectronics and Display, 51CTO, PConline, The Chinese Education Information Website, www.techwis.cn, ChinaByte, www.zol.com.cn, www.cttl.cn, and etc.


At present, tens of millions of meetings are held in China every year, with hundreds of millions of participants. The output value of transportation, catering, accommodation and other related industries brought by the conference business comes up to several hundred billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of about 20%. The rapid development of China's conference industry has changed its market structure. In addition, the domestic conference enterprises have established partnerships with developed countries, such as America, Germany, Britain, etc. The collaboration between Chinese and foreign conference companies brings a colossal market for intelligent conference systems and equipment.


As a strong economic and cultural province in central China, Hubei has a huge market demand for conference systems. Wuhan, as a national central city, is active in government meetings, forum events, business events and cultural performances. At the same time, Wuhan 's huge market radiation capacity will inevitably become a distribution center for conference system equipment display, communication, sales and procurement.


In an attempt to facilitate the upgrade of China’s conference industry, China Wuhan International Conference Industry Expo 2019 (WCE 2019) will be held during July 4-6, 2019 in Wuhan International Expo Center, with the backings of Wuhan Branch of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and Guangdong Grandeur International Exhibition Group. WCE 2019 aims to build a platform for enterprises and users to exchange and display technology, and to empower enterprises to tap into broader markets.

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